This page is an index of the photos by their contents, as long as reporting marks are visible in the picture. It is far from complete and does not index photos which do not have visible reporting marks.
* (ENG) indicates the picture is of or contains an engine
* (blurry) indicates the picture is blurred or unclear
* (partial) indicates that the car is not completely within the image frame
* (DUP) indicates that the item in question is listed on at least two different days
* (FAV) indicates that the item is one of my personal favourites, and will be cycled through the favourites section of the index page
The reporting marks are converted into company names using's Reporting Marks list, with modifications, addendums, and corrections..
Reporting mark (small image) | File name (large image) | Description |
BNBX 95144 | Montreal_30.10.10_2935.jpg | Covered hopper |
BNBX 122181 | Sarnia_01.08.09_8227.jpg | Covered hopper |
BNBX 122191 | Sarnia_01.08.09_8227.jpg | Covered hopper |
BNBX 500069 | Guelph_Junction_11.05.09_6687.jpg | Tank car |
BNBX 500071 | Guelph_Junction_11.05.09_6689.jpg | Tank car |
BNBX 500074 | Guelph_Junction_11.05.09_6691.jpg | Tank car |
BNBX 500097 | Guelph_Junction_11.05.09_6688.jpg | Tank car |
BNBX 500102 | Guelph_Junction_11.05.09_6683.jpg | Tank car |
BNBX 500104 | Guelph_Junction_11.05.09_6684.jpg | Tank car |
BNBX 500108 | Guelph_Junction_11.05.09_6690.jpg | Tank car |
BNBX 500121 | Guelph_Junction_11.05.09_6685.jpg | Tank car |
BNBX 500123 | Guelph_Junction_11.05.09_6686.jpg | Tank car |