The world of trains according to David Graham
Top photos from February 25th, 2006
February 25th, 2006
After a two-week long train hiatus we finally went out on a bad day but caught several interesting trains, starting with CN #396 parked at Paris Junction. CN #271 had a CSX C44-9W on it but was obstructed perfectly by CN #382.
Paris, Ontario
(map) Paris is just West of Brantford on the CN Dundas sub and was once the site of the junction between the Dundas sub and the completely defunct Drumbo sub that connected Paris and Stratford. There's also a large trestle in Paris.

NS #327 passes through Paris Junction with NS-UP for power. (Warning: super-huge video!)

CN #410 passes through Paris Junction with a GCFX unit hiding between 2 CNs.

CN #382 passes through Paris Junction perfectly obstructing CN #271 on the far track.

CN #392 passes through Paris Junction.

CN #383 heads through Paris after scurrying around 399 at Paris and 392 at Hardy.

CN #399 passes through Paris with two UP units and an 8-axle rail whale tank car.

VIA #72 passes through Paris with 917 leading.
Ayr, Ontario
(map) Ayr is between Wolverton and Cambridge on the CP Galt sub and houses a small backtrack yard and the Ayr Pit Spur.

CP #159 approaches Ayr with a pair of AC4400s leading.
Killean, Ontario
(map) This is CP's name for the passing track at Cambridge on the CP Galt sub.

CP #241 paddles across Sideroad 10S mile 51.90 Galt sub.

CP #243 concludes the westbound parade with 2 more ubiquitous AC4400s for power.