The world of trains according to David Graham
Top photos from December 20th, 2003
December 20th, 2003
Steve had to head up to Sarnia and I got to tag along. We took 11 hours to get back because there were train tracks on the way...
Sarnia, Ontario
(map) Sarnia has an absolutely massive CN freight yard. It also has the St. Clair tunnel across to Port Huron, CSX traffic, and a gaggle of running rights.

2 engines running light rush through Sarnia station after coming out of the tunnel, bouncing along as if they are on a gravel road.

A large train pulls out Sarnia station after waiting for its light.
Ingersoll, Ontario
(map) The CN Dundas, the CP St. Thomas, and the OSR Port Burwell subs are very active through Ingersoll, with the CP Galt sub just to the North in Zorra.

Another long train heads through Ingersoll station. Late at night and freezing cold, the camera is shaking from me shivering.

BNSF 8720 trails a CN unit on a short Eastbound through the station. As the BNSF engine goes by I can be heard shouting 'yay!' that there was a foreign unit.

Another train comes through the station Westbound.

By the time this Westbound came I was too cold to get out of the car and shot this by holding my camera out the window. After this train we went home.