The world of trains according to David Graham
Top photos from January 10th, 2017
January 10th, 2017
We went to explore the Cajon Pass for two hours. We were not disappointed!
Cajon Pass, California
The Cajon Pass is where most of southern California's trains have to go through to get in and out of the Los Angeles region through the mountains. It is a busy, interesting place with wildly unpredictable weather, changing from clear skies to driving rain in a matter of seconds without warning.
A 5-unit eastbound BNSF intermodal train starts off our two hour adventure at the Cajon Pass.
Three BNSF GE units haul an eastbound ethanol train.
Five BNSF GEs lead a stack train eastbound as we experiment with an after-market zoom lens on the iphone.
A war bonnet hides between two regular units on a westbound stack train, with another unit at the rear.
Four UP units lead a train eastward as a fifth pushes, while a five BNSF unit westbound passes.
Four BNSF locomotives lead an eastbound stack train on the north track as a four-unit UP train passes on their tracks up the hill, a three-unit BNSF heads west with two more DPU in the middle and one more on the tail end, and an 11-engine power transfer joins the fray to make a four-train meet at the pass.
10 BNSF units with a CITIRAIL interloper transfer power back west through the pass.
Four BNSF pumpkin-scheme GEs lead two blue and yellow geeps eastward as rain suddenly shows up.
A three-unit UP intermodal train heads west through the pass, concluding our short visit to the pass.