The world of trains according to David Graham
Top photos from March 3rd, 2006
March 3rd, 2006
We ran down to Galt station to catch CP #138 and #147 and then heard 42 axles with a hotbox at mile 42.6 Galt sub with no clearance. Putting two and two together quickly we found a Loram grinder hard at work. Shot the heck out of it!
Cambridge, Ontario
(map) Cambridge is the home of Babcock and Wilcox, Toyota, the CP Waterloo sub, the CP Galt sub, the CN ex-Fergus sub and a lot of trains.

CP #138 inaugurates my brand new ZR500 MiniDV video camera at Galt station.

CP #147 unit autorack train heads West through Galt station.
Puslinch, Ontario
(map) This community straddles highway 401 from West of Guelph Junction to Killean on the CP Galt sub.

Loram rail grinder RG310 backs across Victoria Road to do the second of three passes on a curve nearby.

RG310 comes back around the corner for its third grinding pass on the corner by mile 43 Galt sub. (broken - must recompress)

A CP hy-rail acts as firefighter, following the rail grinder and putting out the fires it creates.

RG310 crosses through a field in Puslinch.

Loram grinder RG310 crosses Sideroad 25 S at 48.04 Galt sub grinding and starting a fire just below the camera.
Killean, Ontario
(map) This is CP's name for the passing track at Cambridge on the CP Galt sub.

Loram grinder RG310 crosses Gore Road in Killean on its way to the siding to get out of CP #424 and #420's way.

Loram grinder RG310 slowly pulls up to Killean siding.

CP #424 crosses Sideroad 10 S at mile 51.90 Galt sub.

CP #420 unit autorack train with 8720 leading crosses Sideroad 10 S.